Let’s connect the dots!
Just my random thoughts about so many things that matter to me in life.
I’ll try my level best to present this blog site in three languages – namely Bahasa Malaysia, English and Chinese – that had coloured my mode of interaction with the constituents in my neighbourhood both online and in real-life.
This site (www.jeffooi.com) also serves as the gateway into my digital real estate.
On the social network, you may visit me at the following sites:
- Facebook (Chinese) – Facebook.com/MPJelutong ( 摆渡人 )
- Facebook (English) – Facebook.com/jeff001 ( Jeff Ooi )
- Facebook Page: Facebook.com/Jeff4Malaysia
- Instagram: Jeff4Malaysia
- Twitter: Jeff4Malaysia
- Videos: Jeff’s Talk Shop ( 摆渡人讲堂 )
- Photography: Jeff’s Lens Travels
- Podcast:
Besides, I do have indulgence in expressive domains for photography:
Or contact me via the traditional channels:
- Email: jeff001 at jeffooi dot com
- Text: +6012-2956-356 (Truecaller activated)
- CV: https://jeffooi.com/?p=2664
Here are my FB Messenger Code and QR Code, respectively, for your quick linking to my sites and contacts.